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Ruth Finnegan
Author  ●  Poet  ●  Screenwriter  ●  Anthropologist

Author of non-fiction and fiction including the award-winning romantic novels:

Black Inked Pearl, The Helix Pearl, Pearl of the Seas


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This book is the art-companion companion to the novel "The Black Inked Pearl". It is also a colouring book with images for YOU to colour in using YOUR imagination. On some pages it builds on the traditional form of colouring - inside firm lines - on others it calls, more daringly, on the modern technology of blurred and rubbed colouring,


And there is more - think COLOUR SECRETS: What are these colours that we see and try to copy? How are they made? How did they start and what (if anything) do they mean? Are colours perhaps only a trick of the light or of the way our eyes see, not really of any independent existence?

Celebrating the continuity of human experience, The Strange Tools of Human Communication: The Voice, The Pen, and The Lyre, ultimately contemplates the future of communication, weaving a rich narrative that highlights the tools, subconscious connections, and shared history that bind us to each other and to the natural world.   

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This is a book focusing on one man’s life. That will at first sight seem a very small topic within the wide span of history, especially in the context of the great nation of China. The author David, Jowett’s youngest son, brought up in China and Chinese-speaking, explained its genesis in a letter to a close friend. ‘I inherited from my siblings the plan for an appreciation of my father’s life, with two initial sections about his family’s background and his own early years. Having explored archive sources, I shifted the focus from Jowett and his family to Jowett as a China missionary and the context in which he was living and working’ That was how the author summarised in two short sentences the genesis, aim, generation, and focus of his account.

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The Third Edition of my book published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis. OUT NOW!See a selection of colour versions of same or similar images in the book here!

Watch the uTube trailer – courtesy of LITERARY TITAN

Amazing news! Orpheus with his lyre was just selected as quarter-finalist by United States Motion Picture Alliance.



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